Sunday, August 29, 2010

Why My Cell Phones Suck

So I have the Palm Centro Blue. A mighty fine blue smartphone that did essentially everything I needed. So as you may have guessed, I was pretty excited when I got it as a FREE hand-me-down from my grandparents.

NOTE TO ALL: it pays to have grandparents who aren't afraid of advancements in technology.

So, there I am, enjoying my cellohonular (yes, it is a word in my mind) life, when all of the sudden I receive a call. My sound on/off switch is set to on. And my phone makes absolutely no sound. I start to panic. I flip the on/off switch around a bit (major understatement by the way) and try performing a soft reboot. And the sound still refuses to work. So i go online only to discover that Palm's technical support (similar to that of Apple and Dell) sucks majorly.

I haven't gotten the phone fixed or replaced for say, 2 years. (who am I kidding... Give or take) So I got really excited when my grandparents called to let me know they were shipping me a Blackberry Curve.

It comes in the mail. Yay!

Then we call up Verizon to switch phones. And they kindly let us know that in order to use a BlackBerry phone, you are also charged a $30 data cost. (monthly, FYI)

I was very disappointed, although I now use the phone as a very snazzy PDA. (Thank you to the gods of Wi-Fi)

So that's why my phone sucks. Does yours? Leave a comment telling me about your crappy phone. Or if your feeling mean, leave a comment about how your phone rocks. But if you do I will blog bad about you! No I'm just kidding. I want to know.

Needing a Rockin' Cell Phone,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Band concert!

Gettin ready for my school band concert. I play tenor saxophone. I'm here with all my friends, cos orchestra sux! Were playing some pirate crap, shenandoah, the theme songs to the incredibles and the tempest! Get ready to be blown away bitches!

Birthday Boy Bike Jack

Friday, April 9, 2010

10 More CD's to Get Before They Get Lame

1. It's Not Me, It's You by Lily Allen
2. Rawr! by Nickasaur
3. Save Me, San Francisco by Train
4. Absolution by Muse
5. Jason Derulo by Jason Derulo
6. Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix by Phoenix
7. XX by The XX
8. Oracular Spectacular by MGMT
9. Manners by Passion Pit
10. Cage the Elephant by Cage the Elephant

Review of Ocean Eyes

This is my official review of Owl City's Ocean Eyes.

Hm. Mediocre.

I appreciate the effort that Owl City put this much effort into writing hits on his Apple computer. (which is probably why he gets so much promotion on iTunes!) Honestly, I think practically every song on this city revolves around "Fireflies." It has that playful and childish electronic feel, which I typically hate, but there's just something about this album that keeps me hooked every time. I don't know what.

Overall, I would recommend this album, but you need to give it some time to grow on you. It will eventually. Be patient young padawan ewoks.

Kudos to Owl City,


Hey everyone-
Sorry it's been sofa king long. To make it up to you, I am making a new line of music reviews. I hope you enjoy them. Here's my first one, on Spoon's recent album "Transference."

First of all, let me tell you that I am pretty much Spoon's biggest fan. Ever. My life goal is to go to a Spoon concert. Honestly. I loved Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga and Gimme Fiction the most, and the others were pretty decent too. So, as you might expect, I was totally psyched for the release of their first album since 2007 (thanks a lot for the wait, by the way). But, when I heard Transference, I was extremely underwhelmed. And that is one of the biggest understatements I have ever made.

Transference did not meet my expectations. It just didn't have that passion and awesomeness that I heard in Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga. I wonder what happened. But I suppose after eight full releases, you eventually run out of good material. Kidding. But still, it was not impressive. The saddest part of it was the only two songs I liked where the hyped-up Written In Reverse and the one that is only like two minutes long, Is Love Forever? because of the line "I grew up in a supermarket..." because I love their normally hilariously queer lines. Not anymore. I laughed for a minute and a half, then never laughed again. It was not powerful, it had unimpressive guitar parts, and honestly, I think Spoon depended on their lovable raw sound a little too much on this one.

Overall, this is not a Spoon album I recommend. It does not show their real potential and skill as a band, which they sure as hell have.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kris vs Adam, Now vs Then

Ok, here's the story. On Idol, Adam Lambert (gay guy, good voice) and Kris Allen (straight guy, still good voice). On Idol, Kris rocked. He was way better than Adam then. Then, SHOCKINGLY, Kris won. I honestly thought Adam was gonna win, cuz everyone liked him. He kinda scares me. So then, Kris decides to go be a flippin' dumbass, and release his album at the EXACT SAME TIME AS ADAM'S!!!! IDIOT!!!! Then, Adam's album turns out AMAZING, and Kris's (long story short) sucks. I bet Idol just rigged the votes to get Kris to win just to "shake things up" a bit. Or, they didn't want Adam's gay guy controversy anywhere NEAR THEIR AURA!!!

Whatevs, though. Not like I care if they get rid of Simon. I hardly watched anyway.

METAPHORICAL FRUIT THROWING! (but some Disco Toast for Adam),

Albums You Should Get Before They Start To Suck

1. The Resistance by Muse
2. See Mystery Lights by YACHT
3. Kiss & Tell by Selena Gomez & The Scene (Sad, right? It's actually good!)
4. Contra by Vampire Weekend
5. Transference by Spoon
6. Wolfgang Amadaeus Phoenix by Phoenix
7. Save Me, San Francisco by Train
8. Swoon by Silversun Pickups
9. For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert (Kris sucks now! See my post about it!)
10. BLACKsummer's Night by Maxwell

Anyone watch the CCAs?

Oh, yeah, that's me, just trying to be cool by abbreviating EVERYTHING! Seriously, though, did ANYONE watch the MTV Critic's Choice Awards? No? Didn't think so. But let me just clue you in...

Basically, that one chick who played Glinda from Wicked: The Musical in the New York show hosted it, and tried to be hilarious (and did a pretty damn good job of it, too.) but none of the fancy critics even chuckled! I felt really bad for her, and wanted to jump on the stage and be all, "C'MON PEOPLE! LAUGH! LIVE A FRICKIN' LITTLE!" That would've been fairly satisfying.

Also, AVATAR (aka, the bestest movie EVER!) didn't win best movie of 2009. I pretty much lost interest at that exact moment. It had like, it's own section of awards, though. That MTV voice was like, "Avatar, receives the award for best cinematography, best visual effects, best (insert award here)" I'm not sure if they won those awards. Those were merely examples.

So, in conclusion the freakin' HURT LOCKER won movie of the year. Woohoo. Yay. *throws metaphorical confetti and bakes everyone disco toast*

Whoa. I just lost myself there for a second.

BBBJ (see, I'm cool with abbreviations!)

Movies I Want To See But Can't (I don't have that kind of time!)

1. The Lovely Bones (Saorise Ronan)
2. Up in the Air (George Clooney and ANNA KENDRICK!!!)
3. Precious (based on 'Push' by Sapphire)
4. The Hangover
5. Edge of Darkness (Mel Gibson)

Plus, my parents won't let me see half of 'em!

Ke$ha's Fame Down the Drain

As many of us know by now, Ke$ha has her album "Animal" out. While I am a fan of Tik Tok and Party @ a Rich Dude's House, I listened to the rest of her album and I could quote unquote "literally hear her fifteen seconds of fame counting down." I quoted from some guy on Metacritic. Personally, I think it's hilarious when at the bridge of the song "TIk Tok" when she's live, she doesn't even sing. She just yells, "IM KESHA!!!" funny haha! I've gotta admit, though, I can see some guy from Metacritic's reasoning. I mean, practically half of her songs about being drunk and partying and being naked. I was thinking, 'Wow, someone has a pointless life.' We'll let her have her fame, and when she has her second studio album out, (surprise, surprise) WE'LL TOTALLY IGNORE HER!!!


Friday, January 8, 2010

Sorry about the last post

It was uncompleted. Oopsie.


Well, it's been snowing a lot lately, and frankly, I'm not sure I like it that much. Everyone's always happy-happy joy-joy when it first starts snowing, but then you turn around one morning, and somehow the snow turned into the gross mush that is in no way fun. And, when it's too cold to even lay a finger outside, you have to stay inside and like, meditate, via TV marathon. Eventually, you eat and fall asleep, then you wake up the next morning with no food/ exercise and BAM! Congratulations, you're officially Buddha.