Saturday, January 30, 2010

Kris vs Adam, Now vs Then

Ok, here's the story. On Idol, Adam Lambert (gay guy, good voice) and Kris Allen (straight guy, still good voice). On Idol, Kris rocked. He was way better than Adam then. Then, SHOCKINGLY, Kris won. I honestly thought Adam was gonna win, cuz everyone liked him. He kinda scares me. So then, Kris decides to go be a flippin' dumbass, and release his album at the EXACT SAME TIME AS ADAM'S!!!! IDIOT!!!! Then, Adam's album turns out AMAZING, and Kris's (long story short) sucks. I bet Idol just rigged the votes to get Kris to win just to "shake things up" a bit. Or, they didn't want Adam's gay guy controversy anywhere NEAR THEIR AURA!!!

Whatevs, though. Not like I care if they get rid of Simon. I hardly watched anyway.

METAPHORICAL FRUIT THROWING! (but some Disco Toast for Adam),

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